Tycho: The open-source liquidity indexer
What is Tycho?
Tycho indexes liquidity, so you don't have to.
It traces and tracks all relevant contract state, storage slots and logs of a protocol, and then gives you:
- Real-time state updates through an easy-to-use webstream
- A unified interface to price and quote swaps over any DEX (or other liquidity)
Integrate Tycho now: Docs
Run analytical or numerical solvers
You can use Tycho in both analytical solving ("Native solving") or numerical solving ("VM solving").
- Native solving: Access the raw state attributes you need to analytically solve (e.g. every Univ3 tick).
- VM Solving: Use any DEX (e.g. Curve) through a unified interface without diving into protocol internals. Based on REVM, it handles both state and computation.
Tycho also comes with executor contracts and encoders to execute swaps.
Chain agnostic extraction with Substreams
Tycho builds on Substreams, which syncs protocols in hours instead of months, handles re-orgs seamlessly, and provides extremely reliable data processing.
Substreams runs geographically distributed nodes that race to provide state updates. Tycho saves state updates in Postgres and streams them to you directly.
On startup, Tycho automatically pulls a snapshot of all data from the DB and then continually applies deltas from the webstream.
No need to run nodes on every chain or rely on RPC calls.
Tycho and Substreams are chain-agnostic and will be available for both EVM and non-EVM chains.
Access Balancer liquidity today
Balancer pools provide some of the most competitive liquidity in defi – and solvers that integrate them consistenly win more flow. However, so far, solvers needed to be familiar with the pool math of the various, and customizeable, Balancer pools.
To make it easier for solvers and searchers to access Balancer liquidity, Tycho supports all Balancer v2 weighted pools, and will soon add stable pools. Together with the Balancer team we are currently also adding support for Balancer v3.
Getting started
Tycho is live today – integrate more DEXs and win more flow.
Solvers: Access more Liquidity
Tycho streaming service is in private beta. Contact us to get access today.
To setup, go to the quickstart in the docs and start your stream.
DEXs: Get more flow
To integrate your DEX, just submit a PR to Tycho Protocol Integrations on Github.
To get started, check the docs for Tycho Protocol Integrations.
Or contact our team so we can help with your integration.
Integrate in person
The Tycho team will be at Edge City Lanna and Devcon to do workshops and support your integration.
Follow us on X to stay up to date on Tycho events at Lanna and Devcon.
How does Tycho compare to just parsing logs myself?
While you can parse logs directly, Tycho provides parsed, and structured data, offers a unified interface across protocols, manages reorgs automatically, can handle protocols that don't emit logs (shadow logs), and saves you the infrastructure cost of running a node.
How do you handle reorgs?
Reorgs are handled automatically through our delta system. The client maintains the correct state without you having to worry about block reorganizations.
How does latency compare to other solutions?
Tycho processes updates in under 100ms (plus network latency). While an additional hop compared to running your own nodes, geographically distributed nodes race to provide data, which can be faster than relying on a single node.
Can I still use my own UniV2/V3 implementations?
Yes! Many teams use Tycho VM for newer/complex protocols while keeping their analytical implementations for simpler pools.
What about UniV4 hooks?
Our VM implementation aims to support as many hooks variants as possible.